All Change

Musing and staring into space

I want to stick a pin in today, as the Swiss Summer begins to fade and the rain percolates through the soil. I want to be able to look back on my time here, some time in the future and feel what I’ve felt over the last few months, as I’ve walked, and walked and […]


The Return of the Light


This winter has felt so much longer than usual. The weather from Siberia obliterated our snow and sent us high winds, regularly plunging us down to -13’C without wind chill. Everything simply froze solid. The only things that could be seen to move were patches of ice on higher ground, that melted in the sun […]


The Visibility of Magic

Musing and staring into space

  When I was little, there was a troll that lived under the bridge near my Nan’s caravan. My hair was made of spun gold and I felt magic coursing through the long grass, as I played at the beach. Every rainbow held a secret message for me. Every leaf of clover was lucky. I […]
